It’s no secret that I love animals. Honestly, I have never written a novel or short story without a critter of some sort. When I’m writing fantasy or paranormal, I make up creatures that are an extension of the fur babies I’ve had in my life. As an author I love them in my stories, they make me smile, laugh and yes, cry. They bring life, light and joy to my words on the page.
Over the years I’ve had many pets in my life…a better word is companion. I’m not certain I like the word ‘pet’. Although I call them fur babies, I’ve also had birds, hamsters and even lizards. I do have to admit that I don’t care much for spiders and snakes, but hey, I believe they can be as much of a dear companion as a four-legged friend for some people. There’s a spider on Tik Tok that has certainly won me over. It actually looks like it has two big eyes and a mouth.
If any of you have read one of my books, I’d like to hear which animal/creature you liked the best. It’s hard for me to pick because I love them all. In MY GARGOYLE, Rogue stole my heart. He was a gargdog. Not a guard dog but a gargdog as in half gargoyle and half dog. His love for my heroine is undying and he unselfishly would give his life for her. That is the truth about our companions. They want nothing more than to love us unconditionally. To give us their love and admiration is the only thing they wish for day in and out…and maybe a treat, belly rub and a walk. They never judge us for long, and who else would wait for you at the door like they do.
The hardest part about loving our babies like we do is knowing that someday they will have to leave us. The thought is crippling, or at least it is for me. There are no words to describe the heart break and loneliness. Be assured that they don’t ever leave us. I believe that. I have had friends who after the loss of a pet say they will never have another because the hurt is too great. Indeed, I understand what they are saying. I too have had those same thoughts but eventually I find myself with another friend who needs my love almost as much as I need theirs. My babies are never forgotten and I’m certain some people might find it odd that I have ashes from every critter I’ve ever had. They will come with my husband and I when it comes time for us to greet them at the rainbow bridge where I know they will all be waiting. My dearest cousin recently lost his baby and part of that inspired me to write this blog post. His dearest pup Aries is now wagging her tail from up above.
I’m hoping you’ll all share your stories about your babies, happy and sad. Pictures too. I’m considering writing some short stories about our pets, maybe your companions if you decide to share them with me. Have a good day everybody and I look forward to hearing from you.